Zonal Water Usage Graphs

View the graphs showing the annual total water consumption for each water management zone

The Tasman Resource Management Plan (TRMP) divides the Tasman district into water management zones. Existing policy for use (installation) of water meters is set out in Chapter 30.2.11: Taking, Using, Damming and Diverting Water of the TRMP .

The folders below access graphical representation of Resource Consented water use through recent summer seasons, by water management zone.

Disclaimer: Graphs are a guide only.
They do not reflect actual use in relation to allocated water. The information is based on water meter returns received and does not include information relating to missing readings, those who are not irrigating this season, future implementation or pending meter requirements. Recorded overtakes may be authorised through allocation sharing. Recorded volumes include +/-5% accuracy threshold.

For detailed water use information please contact Council Compliance staff.

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